The 2 Principles Of Successful Personal Branding

Two mighty forces battle for supremacy: relevance and credibility.

While one dazzles with the bright, fleeting light of now, the other endures, a beacon of trust and respect.

Let's cut through the fluff and dive into why you need both to not just survive but thrive in today's cutthroat environment.

To be marketable, you must aim to build both your credibility and remain relevant.

It's essential to stay current and engaged with what's happening in our industries, communities, and the world at large, so we can adapt and evolve as necessary.

The Reality TV Syndrome: Relevant But Not Respected

Imagine you're on a reality TV show. You're the flavor of the month—everybody's talking about you. But what happens when the cameras stop rolling? You're left clinging to a wisp of fame that's as durable as a sandcastle at high tide. Sure, you're relevant, but are you respected? Not quite.
You haven't built anything of substance. You're a firework—spectacular for a moment but quickly fading into the night. You can be relevant, but not credible.

Popularity may get you gigs, but credibility is what turns them into partnerships. Without it, you'll be living gig to gig as a personal brand.

The Unsung Hero Paradox: Respected But Not Relevant

On the flip side, consider the entrepreneur who's built a successful business, known and revered across the industry. Yet, outside their business bubble, they're practically a ghost. They've got the respect, the credibility, but when it comes to the general public? Crickets. They're the unsung heroes of their fields, respected but not wanted because they haven't mastered the art of staying relevant.
You can be respected but not wanted.
If you're credible but not relevant, you're like a museum exhibit - interesting, but nobody's lining up to see you.

The Marriage of Relevance and Credibility

Relevance: being popular and known, often measured by social media following.

Credibility : you’ve built tangible success in your industry, earning the trust and respect of well-established brands and organisations. Often measured by awards and google.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. The sweet spot in personal branding is where relevance and credibility meet. It's about being respected for your achievements and contributions while also staying connected to the current zeitgeist. Relevance keeps you in the public eye, adapting and evolving with the times. Credibility, on the other hand, is your foundation, built on achievements, expertise, and genuine contributions to your field.

Case Study: Layne Beachley

Take my good friend and long time client Layne Beachley, for example. A seven-time world surfing champion, she's the epitome of credibility. Not just for her sporting achievements but for her advocacy for equal pay in surfing, making it the first equal-paid sport in history.

However, as a retired athlete, she faced the challenge of staying relevant. By rebranding herself as a wellness champion, focusing on mental health and physical well-being, she used her credibility to remain significant in today's conversations. This is a stellar example of using one's established respect and authority to stay connected and relevant.

Relevance Seeking Credibility: The Inspired Unemployed

Contrastingly, let's look at the Inspired Unemployed. They rode the wave of relevance with their humorous skits on TikTok, capturing the fleeting attention of the masses. But relevance without credibility is like building a castle on quicksand. Recognizing this, they partnered with a beer company, leveraging their massive following for a credible business venture. This strategic move shows how relevance can be the gateway to building something enduring and respected.

Balancing the Act

So, how do you balance relevance and credibility in your personal branding journey? Here are a few blunt tips:

  1. Build Your Foundation: Focus on achievements, qualifications, and genuine contributions to your field. This builds credibility.

  2. Stay in the Loop: Keep an eye on trends, current events, and the evolving landscape of your industry. This ensures relevance.

  3. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with brands, initiatives, or causes that align with your values but also appeal to a broader audience.

  4. Evolve: Don't be afraid to pivot or rebrand if it means staying connected to your audience. Use your credibility as a launching pad for new ventures.

  5. Be Authentic: In the quest for relevance, don't lose your essence. Authenticity is the glue that holds your brand together, ensuring that your relevance is genuine and your credibility is non-negotiable.

The Final Word

In the personal branding arena, being relevant gets you noticed, but being credible earns you respect. However, the real magic happens when you manage to be both. It's not an easy feat, and there's no one-size-fits-all strategy. It's a delicate dance, a constant push and pull between staying connected to the zeitgeist and building a legacy of genuine achievements.

Remember, relevance can fade, but credibility endures. Yet, without relevance, even the most credible achievements can be forgotten. Aim to be that rare gem that shines brightly, not just for a moment but for a lifetime. Let your personal brand be a testament to both your achievements and your ability to remain connected and meaningful in a rapidly changing world.


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