What Is Personal Branding? This Is Why People Crave Seeing It.
People are skeptical of self-promotional ads and are seeking depth and authenticity in the narratives they engage with. They care about who is saying it, not just what is said.
The Importance of Niching Down in Personal Branding: A Lesson from Layne Beachley
I've had the honor of working with some of Australia's top public figures, but there's one that stands out to me - Layne Beachley, a 7x world surf and wellness champion. Layne is using her skills, story, and opportunities to build an audience so that she can transform lives.
Mark Bouris - Business, Mentoring and Social Media
We interviewed one of Australia’s most respected and successful entrepreneurs and businessmen Mark Bouris on topics ranging from being resilient in business, finding happiness, social media, mentoring and the importance of compound.
To The "Nice Guys" - Say "Yes, Less"
We’ve all heard the saying, haven’t we? Who pops into your head when you read the saying “nice guys finish last”? Is it your spouse? Your friend? Your family member? Or maybe it’s you?
Do you examine if your friendships are mutualistic? Maybe it’s because you haven’t asked them for a favour yourself, or they are too busy and being a nice guy you understand that. But you always find the time and find a way to help others, don’t you? What this does is leaves you deprived and eventually emotionally bankrupt.
Thinking About Death Tests Our Priorities
As westerners, we are conditioned to be achievement machines. We calendarize our meetings, our appointments and praise those rise the cooperate and cultural bar of success. But most people do not schedule time to make amends with loved ones, reflect and meditate on how far we've come and assess why we are doing what we are doing.